Sunday, May 6, 2012

Derby Weekend

So Aaron and I had a very fun and refreshing weekend! This is the first weekend in two years that Aaron didn't have to spend his entire Saturday doing homework!! It was GREAT! We honestly forgot what it felt like to have a whole weekend free together!

Friday night we went on a date to celebrate him being done with school by going out to eat at P.F. Changs...on our way to get ice cream at the Homemade Pie Kitchen on Bardstown Road we decided to drive through Cherokee Park and came upon the Barnstable Brown Party. For those of you who don't live in Louisville this is a party for charity on Derby Eve where many celebrities come. I thought it would be fun to go watch all the celebrities come in so we parked the car and walked on over...It was sssooo much fun!!! We saw so many celebrities there and I got a couple of pics of some of them. I will admit I was star struck :). I hope to go do that again next year!

Saturday we spent Derby Day at our dear friends the Binkowski's house and I have a cute little pic of their baby Shephard below...he just melts my heart! Always smiling!! It was fun to just spend some time with great friends!

Sunday we went to church and decided it would be fun to go to Lynn's Paradise Cafe for brunch...we didn't know that Ashton Kutcher and Guy Fieri would be there but it was quite funny to see all the people there freak out! I felt kind of sorry for Ashton Kutcher though because he couldn't even eat his food in peace...oh to be famous...glad I'm not :)

Derby time is definately an exciting time of year in Louisville KY and I am glad Aaron and I got to partake in the festivities! We couldn't go to Lynn's without getting a pick as the fork and spoon!

My hot was literally scorching HOTTT!!! We sat out on the patio and it was like 88 degrees...I got sun burnt but the food was delicious! I needed some color anyway :). We had to wait an hour and forty five minutes for our food so the manager gave us a $50 gift card and our food was FREE!! I guess that means we have to go back again!

Well that was just a snap shot of our fun filled weekend. It was so refreshing to get to spend so much time with Aaron!! 


  1. What an eventful weekend! Can't wait to spend a weekend with you.

  2. Where are your photos of the famous people?! haha. Totally, joking, I like your faces better! :)
