Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Well today is Aaron's 27 Birthday!!! I can't believe he is 27! We started dating right before his 16th birthday so we have had many birthdays together and I can't wait to have LOTS more!! This year is going to be the best year yet! Unfortunately we both have horrible colds and Aaron has to work late but we aren't going to let that get us down and are still going to celebrate. I am taking him to Marks Feed Store for dinner tonight and then this coming weekend we will celebrate with our familes! Its always fun to extend your birthday beyond the actual day anyway right ;).

It's been so fun to be a part of Aaron's life as he has grown up in to a wonderful man of God who seeks to serve HIM in all he does. Aaron is such an encouragement to me in more ways than one and I can't imagine life without him. He seeks to provide, lead, and love our familiy well and it is a honor to be able to celebrate his life with him each year. I hope he knows how special he is not just to me, but to everyone he comes in contact with. His personality makes even a stranger feel comfortable and he is always there to listen. 

Aaron is so excited that he will become a daddy this year! Noah and I love you VERY VERY much Aaron and hope your birthday is SUPER special!!!!!! If you see him around or want to shoot him a message of encouragement on his birthday I know that would mean so much to him (and me!!) :).

Me and my Birthday Boy!


  1. Could you relay this message to Aaron for me:

    Aaron, Jessie is right. You are certainly are a blessing with every person you come in contact with. I know you have been closer to my brother than to me, but every single time I see you I always leave feeling so encouraged. Your heart for people and the Lord is so encouraging and I know that my family is so thankful to have you as a friend. You and Jessie set such a great example of how to love each other, I really look up to you both. It was so good running into you this weekend and catching up with you and Jessie. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy time with your family!

    1. Thank you Daly you are too sweet! We loved seeing you all this weekend as well!! Glad I finally got to meet the boyfriend ;) he is a doll! Hope to see you again soon I will definitely give Aaron the message! Love!
