Thursday, February 14, 2013

Noah's Birth Story!

Well its been 13 days since my sweet angel has been born but there has been absolutely no time to blog since having him home. I have been soaking up every moment with him and just embracing the time I get to be home. He is sound asleep right now so I thought I would update. This may be a long post but its mainly for me to remember each moment of the special day he came in to the world. I hope you enjoy his birth story as much as I enjoy telling it!

Sweet Noah was due on January 26th but my Dr. would not let me go past 41 weeks. Since he decided he wanted to stay in my belly as long as possible I ended up being induced on February 1st. It couldn't have been more perfect though because I really wanted Dr. Dutton to be the one who delivered Noah and by being induced that Friday I was guaranteed to have her. It's so awesome how everything played out because I was very anxious about who would be delivering Noah and the whole process behind it but going in to the day I had such a peace and everything worked out perfectly. So here is the story...

On February 1st Aaron and I woke up and got ready for the day. It was so weird waking up and getting ready knowing I was going to have our baby today. When you think about labor you think it would be a moment like "oh my gosh my water broke we have to get to the hospital as soon as possible" or having lots of crazy contractions and stuff like that. My morning was different. I was able to take a shower, put on makeup, take some pictures and enjoy a moment with my husband just the two of us before we left the house as a family of two about to become three. Not your typical going in to labor story but I loved it! I called the hospital at 10:00 am to see if they had a bed available and they did so we immediately got in the car! We were so excited!! My Dr. had me come in late morning because she wasn't on call until 4:00 pm so she wanted to guarantee that she would be there when I delivered.

When we arrived at the hospital it felt so funny getting checked in because I wasn't in labor. It was the strangest feeling! It was also fun for me too because I work at Baptist East so I know some of the employees up in Labor and Delivery. They were all really excited I was there which made it so much fun! That morning they had quite a few patients come through but for the majority of the time I was there it was just me and one other girl on the floor so we got lots of care from many different nurses which was nice! I think some were trying to pass the time until more patients came in but we appreciated all the attention.

After answering the thousand questions they ask you when they admit you they started my Pitocin at around 11:30. It turns out I was already 4 cm dilated  and 90% effaced when I came in so almost half the work was already done which was nice! At around 2:30 I was 5 cm. When they saw I was 5 cm and 90% effaced they called the dr. to let her know and she decided that when she came in at 4:00 she was going to break my water. I have learned from other friends that its always good to get your epidural BEFORE they break your water. My contractions were not unbearable at all but I knew that once my water was broken they would intensify so around 3:30 I went ahead and got my epidural so that I would have that working before she broke my water. I never really experienced hard labor contractions so I can't really relate to that when people say you "know" you are in labor when your contractions get worse. I was really excited to see my dr. when she came in too because it made it seem so much more real that this was all actually happening.

After Dr. Dutton broke my water my contractions got closer together and more intense but it really wasn't that bad! When my water was broken it turns out that there was some meconium meaning Noah had a bowel movement in my stomach. For that reason they had to have a neonatologist come in when he was born just to make sure it didn't get into his lungs. After my water broke I went from 5 cm to 8 cm in one hour so I was SUPER excited about that! At this point Aaron and I were just relaxing enjoying the time together! Both sets of our parents were in and out visiting which was nice. It was a very low key day and very peaceful. When 8:00 pm rolled around I was 10 cm 100% effaced!! You can imagine how excited I was when I heard that!! turns out Noah was at a -1 station so the dr. wanted him to labor down for a bit on his own. You technically can't start pushing until you are at a -2 station. Well our parents and ourselves got all excited thinking this baby would be here in the next hour but that didn't happen haha!

It turns out Noah was positioned sideways so they ended up flipping me over on each side every thirty minutes to try and get him to turn. He wasn't budging! Around 9:00 pm I finally got the go ahead that I could start pushing!!! I did most of my pushing at the beginning with my nurse but since Dr. Dutton only had one other patient on the floor at that time she came in early and I got to push for about 45 minutes with her which was nice because usually the dr. doesn't come in until the very end. About an hour in to pushing Noah's heart rate dropped so they gave me oxygen and it came right back up. That unnerved me a little but Dr. Dutton handled it perfectly and he was fine :). Total, I was in labor for about 11 hours and I pushed for an hour and twenty minutes! Talk about EXHAUSTING!!! It was so worth every minute though and I would do it all over again! When Noah came out he wasn't crying so I freaked out for a moment but they cleared out his mouth and nose and he starting shrieking! It was the best sound I have ever heard!! I of course started bawling! I had been waiting to hear that sound for so long that it overwhelmed me with so much joy to know my baby was here and safe!

Since there was meconium I didn't get him right away because the neonatologist had to check him first. He had meconium in his mouth and nose (gross!) but none of it got in to his lungs! Praise the Lord! The dr. said his lungs sounded awesome and he got an APGAR score of 8 & 9 which is GREAT!  He weighed exactly 8 lbs and was 21 1/2 inches long! As I was laying there waiting to hold my baby in my arms I just thanked God for that healthy scream coming out of him and for a positive report from the neonatologist. Aaron got to hold him first and seeing him in Aaron's arms just melted my heart completely and I couldn't stop crying!

My time came when they placed him in my arms and I couldn't believe that time had FINALLY come! I can't even begin to describe or explain the emotions I was feeling at that moment. It was so special! One of my lifelong dreams had come true! I was a mommy! I know before Noah was even born that I was already a mommy X2 but to have that physical evidence in your arms is an indescribable feeling! Aaron and I were so overcome with joy we both couldn't  stop crying! This was by far one of the best days of our lives!! I seriously couldn't have asked for a greater labor experience and we give God all the glory for this sweet and most precious blessing!!

My last picture at home pregnant with Noah!

Aaron was so amazing the entire day and was such a great support!

Hanging out in the rocking chair before getting my epideral since I would be in the bed for the rest of the time.

Got my epideral and ready to get this show on the road!

The grandparents waiting patiently!

He doesn't quite know what to think of this world

Best sound ever!

Love at first sight!

Holding my boy for the first time!

My heart is full!

Dr. Dutton is AMAZING :) So blessed to have her as my dr!

Our first family photo!

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