Thursday, November 29, 2012

Catching up on November!

So I have been a major blogging slacker this month!! I will catch you up on what has been going on these past two mind has become so mushy lately that it may be hard for me to recall all details haha but I will do my best!

My little man is VERY active and just kicking away! I think I actually might have seen his foot the other day poking out my side. As he gets bigger his cute little pokes are becoming more like hard shoves into my rib cage but I don't mind ;). He is already positioned head down and is comfy as can be so the Dr. doesn't foresee him doing any little flips in the future which means he is ready to come out! In 8 weeks that is! His heart rate was 138 at my last visit and he doesn't like to be messed with haha! Every time the doctor would push on my stomach he would give her a nice hard kick in the hand. It was so funny!! I have the typical back pain, not being able to sleep well, and achenes but other than that I am feeling pretty good. I am starting to feel more tired toward the end of the day but I always seem to have enough energy to get things done when I get home from work so that is good! The nursery is still a work in progress but I have lots of time to get that done.

I am SUPER excited I passed my glucose test!! Since then though I haven't been watching my sugar intake very well which may account for the couple of pounds I have gained :(. With the holidays and all those delicious desserts its just so hard to resist sometimes! ;)

My office threw me a work shower last Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it was so much fun! I am so blessed to work with such amazing people who genuinely care about me and were so willing to love on my little guy before he is even here! Aaron and I feel very blessed by all of them. Sadly I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures except the ones on my bosses cell phone but they were to dark to upload :( Oh well the memory is engraved in my mind! It was nice to be able to have such a joyous occasion with my co-workers and their spouses. There was delicious food and everyone seemed to have a great time! Noah was definitely spoiled!

Thanksgiving was quiet and relaxing. Aaron went quail hunting in the morning with his dad and then we spent the rest of the day and night with his family. We switch off each year between families so that we don't have to be two places at once. It makes it more enjoyable that way we don't have to worry about having to run out the door. Donna, my mother-in-law made the most AMAZING Thanksgiving meal! Noah LOVED it! :) It was nice to just relax and enjoy family!

Aaron has been working A LOT lately but this past weekend he didn't have to work at all so we took advantage of that time we could spend together and did lots of fun things! We went to the movies and saw Lincoln which Aaron loved but I had a hard time following. I am not a history buff like he is though! Overall I thought the movie was okay...Then we had dinner at our favorite restaurant Papalino's and after that went to Quills Coffee and got some yummy hot chocolate! Then we drove around and looked at Christmas lights! It was such a fun night for us. Sunday we spent the day with my family because my adorable little nephew Jaxson got dedicated at church. It was so fun to be with everyone this weekend.

I know those were brief and quick updates but lately I having been going a mile a minute to get things done it seems like. I didn't want to get too behind on my blogging :). I have one more shower this weekend which I am REALLY excited about so I will update you on that later!

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