Wednesday, January 9, 2013

37 Week Appointment!

Well I had my 37 week appointment yesterday but technically I am 37 weeks and 3 days :). I think I am the only one though who keeps track of EVERY SINGLE DAY haha! I met with Dr. Grider today and I absolutely LOVE her!! She was the Dr. who did my surgery when I had my miscarriage and she always has a way of easing my mind when I have concerns and she has the biggest heart of gold. I had some questions at my last visit but didn't get the chance to ask because the Dr. in that visit pretty much rushed me out the door (There is one in every bunch I guess that you just aren't too sure about) but Dr. Grider of course took the time to sit down and talk with me about my questions so I feel much better! I am going through the rotation right now but next week I will be back with my OBGYN Dr. Dutton who is THE BEST :) I love a lot of the Dr.'s in the practice but she is just AMAZING!!

Anyway...BABY UPDATE! I am 2.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced! Noah is head down still and ready :) I can't believe how real this is starting to feel!!! She didn't say he would come early or anything but the Dr. did say that I am progressing rather quickly for where I am at in my pregnancy so basically my waiting game has begun because he could come any day now! I still need to get a sheet for his bassinet, hang his curtains in his room, pack my hospital bag, clean my house, etc. etc. etc. but it's ok! Those things will come I am just so excited for him to get here!

They did an ultrasound to check his growth and my fluid levels to make sure everything was still going okay and he is measuring 3 days ahead of schedule and is said to be 7 pounds!! He is so healthy and I feel overwhelmingly blessed! The ultrasound tech tried to get a 3-D picture of his face for me but he had it smooshed up against my uterus so much we couldn't see him haha. I think he just wants me to be so surprised by his cuteness in person ;). I can't wait to have him in my arms and to introduce him to everyone!!

I wanted to upload some pics but the blog website is acting up and won't let me :( Maybe it will let me later...

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