Thursday, January 24, 2013

40 Week Appointment!

Well I will be 40 weeks this coming Saturday WOO HOO and my little muffin just wants to keep on baking! I went to the Dr. today for my 40 week appointment and she said his heart rate sounds AWESOME and taking a guess he is close to 8 POUNDS!! I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced so he could come any moment at any time. I think he is pretty cozy right now in my belly though because he knows how crazy cold it is outside! If I make it to next week I will go in on Tuesday for another ultrasound to check fluid levels and everything just to make sure things are on target. My Dr. said that if he does not make his arrival by next Friday then she is going to induce me because the practice I go to doesn't let you go past 41 weeks! So who knows, I could possibly have a February baby...I am praying for January though :) but God knows when my little man will come!

I have been having contractions off and on for about a week and a half now. Talk about a tease! They were 15 minutes apart up until last night when they were consistently 10 minutes apart from about 8:30 pm to 3:30 am! That's right...I was up the entire time because I was so distracted I couldn't fall asleep. So I went to work today on about 2 1/2 hours of sleep :) I am sure everyone thought I was a walking zombie! I plan to work up until I deliver. I mean I work at the hospital where I will be delivering so why not? Everyone jokes about who will be the one to wheel me up to labor and delivery. I think the famous line at the hospital EVERY day that people say to me is "you're still here!" I'm ready to not hear that anymore hehe ;)

For the past 3 weeks I have been sleeping in a recliner. Since New Years weekend I have had this horrible cough so sleeping in a recliner is the only way I can sleep. I'm surprised my coughing hasn't sent me in to labor already!! My sweet husband could sleep in our bed but he has chosen to sleep on the couch every night so that I wouldn't be alone! I just had to brag on him for that because I think that's super sweet :)

Aaron and I are just waiting, waiting, waiting for this little man to arrive and we are SO EXCITED to be parents and don't take this blessing for granted!!! Below is a couple of pics of the nursery too :)

Here is my 39 week pic! Don't have a 40 week pic yet so can't post that one!

I am sure this will be my common place of sleep for the first couple of months!

I love his little play area! The bear on the top shelf was Aaron's bear when he was a baby :)

This is a growth chart my wonderful friend Franny Binkowski made Noah! I love it!!

My sister had one of her co-workers at Pottery Barn Kids make this painting for me and it is one of my favorite parts of his room!

Can't wait to put pictures in those frames!! I love all the cute little clothes that fill those drawers too!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! SO exciting. I have been checking your blog to see when little man might make his arrival. So excited for you! You look super cute, mama! Will be praying for you a lot this week. Enjoy it!!!!
