Saturday, July 28, 2012

Our Rainbow Baby!

My sweet and dear friend Whitney sent this to me weeks back as some encouragement to me so I thought I would share because it really touched me!

"Rainbow Babies" - babies conceived after the loss of a pregnancy. They are the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it does not mean that the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and the clouds. Storm clouds may still loom over but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy, and much needed hope.

Yes you heard correct!!! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!! Our sweet little Rainbow Baby! Aaron and I feel so blessed to have been given this second chance to be parents. We still think about our first little angel all the time, but are overjoyed for another opportunity to have another sweet little one that we can hold in our arms. This baby will never take the place of our first, but we are overjoyed to no end knowing that we will be this babies mommy and daddy too!! This baby has brought our lives so much joy and light in the midst of such pain and suffering and it truly is a testament that God is faithful - even when we don't feel like He is.

I also wanted to add my own little outlook on what a Rainbow Baby is in my mind as well. The rainbow is a reminder of God's covenant to his children; and to Aaron and I this baby is a reminder that God is always with us even when we don't "feel" like He is. Through all this, God has constantly reminded us that He is in control and won't ever leave us or forsake us!

Through our first experience I have developed such a strong compassion for other women who go through miscarriage, infertility, lost adoptions, has really opened my eyes to being more aware of peoples' circumstances and struggles because you never know where people are in life and it's important to be mindful of that. I honestly had a hard time even sharing our good news because I know it probably stings for some people to hear knowing that they aren't able to share the same news that they so badly wish they could and my heart truly goes out to them. Something that I was so guilty of in the past but have learned not to do is ask questions like "When are you going to have kids?" or "Is this your first?" because I know those were questions that really hurt after loosing a child. Before my loss I used to ask people stuff like that ALL the time so I by no means wish to offend anyone by what I am saying. I just wanted to share what the Lord has being teaching me through all this because I truly have a new perspective on things :)!!

Anyway enough of my soap box :)...FOR THE DETAILS!! :) I am 14 weeks along now WOO HOO and have been to the doctor a bunch and have had like 5 ultrasounds. Everything looks GREAT! It's definitely an active little one ( I guess that means it will have Aaron's personality :) hehe-just kidding honey). The doctor had a hard time getting the heartbeat to stay in a rhythm because the baby was squirming around so much. It was so cute! Our due date is January 26th! We will be so excited to have a boy or a girl! We have our names picked out already, but I will share that later ;). We ask that you please continue to pray for our Sweet One that it continues to grow healthy and strong, and that we will be prepared as parents to take good care of it when it comes in to this world. Thank you for sharing in our joy with us! We are SO EXCITED and thank God EVERY DAY for this second chance!!

14 weeks--A little bump but I feel like I am showing pretty early :) I don't mind though! :)


  1. yay!!! so excited to hear this wonderful news! casey said he's known....can't believe he never said anything! but regardless so glad to hear your exciting news! and can't believe the job wonderful! if that commute gets old fast we'd sure love to have you guys here : ) but understand job and not wanting to loose money on the house. well you are just about 6 weeks behind me....i'm 21 weeks with i guess a rainbow baby as well : ) that's really sweet; never seen that before. congrats to you all!

    1. Yay!! Congrats to you too Erica!! My birthday is December 14th...are you due around then?? :) Casey is so funny! Guys aren't as vocal as women about this kind of stuff so it probably didn't even cross his mind :)

  2. Thanks do much Taylor!! We will find out on September 10th!! Can't wait!!

  3. Jessie, Your words are so sweet! Your little rainbow baby is so precious already. I love that you and Aaron give God all the glory for this treasured life growing inside of you. Praying much blessing upon your pregnancy.

    1. Thank you Erin!! It truly is a blessing. Thank you so much for your prayers as I am continually praying for you :)
