Monday, October 8, 2012

24 Week Dr. Appt!

I went to the Dr. today for my 24 week check up. I am starting to rotate through all the doctors in case one of them is on call when I deliver so I probably won't see my original Dr. again until I get closer to D-day! :) I have been so pleased though with every physician I have come in contact with so far in that practice. Today I met with Dr. Brown and she was so sweet and just let me ask as many questions as I wanted :)...of course I had a TON of questions because I always do haha!

I was SHOCKED to see that I have gained 17 POUNDS so far since I became pregnant!! WOWZERS!!! I don't feel like I gained that much and to me that seems like a whole lot but others say its not that bad or its normal so I don't know...Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess :). I still fit in my pants haha and at least my little one is growing so that's all that matters to me :). The Dr. didn't seem too worried about it but she did say to be careful when Halloween comes around with all the candy. I told this to Aaron and he started laughing immediately because he knows how much I LOVE my sweets...I am going to do my best to cut out sweets if at all possible for the sake of Noah but please pray for me because I LOVE candy and ice cream!! Seriously! :)

Noah's heart rate was in the mid 130's. I told her it kind of concerned me that his heart rate gets lower each visit but she said that is completely normal and that its strong and healthy. She said too that it all depends on what the baby is doing whether he has been in a sleep cycle, being active, etc. So I am happy with the results! I just love hearing his little heart beat on the Doppler. It makes my day!!!

My next appointment I have to do the Glucose Screening Test so cutting out sweets will probably be more beneficial than I think!! Until then...

24 Weeks...popped out quite a bit this week! Noah is growing :)


  1. awww jess you have great spirits about it all! you look great and adorable! i am on the other end and completely stress and struggle with my weight gain every time! i know for me it doesn't help that it's baby #4 and i'm almost 37.....metabolism doesn't work quite as fast and efficiently as when i was 27.....though all my babies have been in my 30s but at first my weight drops off quickly but then i hit that plateau level---being a woman just stinks to feel in bondage to what we look like/what people think of us! but i'm encouraged to hear your thoughts of being more concerned with baby--b/c ultimately that is more important! as far as heartbeat if it helps, the bigger they get it's so normal that it is slower. when they first start getting heartbeats at 10-12 weeks i know they are so fast, but then the baby grows and gets bigger so the heart isn't beating quite as fast as when they were the size of a peanut : )

    1. just fyi i did mean i'm about to turn 37 years old....and my metabolism in my later 30s is not as quick to burn the calories as it was in my 20s.....but my body has only known having a baby after 30 years (reed was born at 30--almost was 31; emery-claire i was 32 years; and mary etta i was 33 years). i'm still 36 but in a few weeks turn 37--yikes i'm getting old!

  2. your doing great! keep up the good work growing Noah Parker! i have my glucose test friday! blah--- looks like i'll be on a "diet" of sorts until afterward. boo. i LOVE candy too.
