Monday, May 14, 2012

Graduation and Mother's Day Weekend!!

Well this weekend was very fun and exciting for The Roberts Family! On Saturday Aaron GRADUATED from the University of Louisville with a Masters Degree!! I couldn't be more proud of him and all of his hard work. As he was walking down the aisle to go to his seat though he did manage to throw up the UK 3 googles DIRECTLY in to the camera for ALL to see :). Keep in mind we were in the UL YUM Center!! The boy bleeds blue what can I say :). These past two years have been exhausting for both of us with late nights working on papers and studying away for tests but he did so well and finished successfully! I am so honored to have been able to walk along side of him as he completed school and to be his #1 cheerleader. Just this past week though has been a complete 180 in regards to the time we have gotten to spend together! It has been so nice having him free at night and on the weekends. The weekends now are so much fun because Saturdays used to be "homework day" from morning to night...glad those days are over...atleast until he decides to go get his PhD ha! I will enjoy this time now though while I have it with him!

My graduate :)

My parents were able to come to the graduation too which made it very special because they are so proud of Aaron and all that he has accomplished! My dad calls him "Master" now which if you know my dad its kind of funny :).

And of course The Roberts Fam wouldn't have missed this great event! Silly Bob in the background :).

Our weekend didn't stop there...after Graduation Aaron's parents treated us to a yummy dinner at The Bristol to celebrate Aaron and then we went to a wedding later that night! We had a great time at the wedding and it was so fun catching up with people we haven't seen in a while! When we arrived back home from dinner at The Bristol there were flowers and a card waiting for me at my door! My sweet sweet friend Katie Rulketter left me the most touching note and flowers for Mother's Day...what an encouragement in times of sorrow and how incredibly blessed I am to have such loving and thoughtful friends. Lots of my friends reached out to me on Mother's Day which made me feel very loved and special. Thank you to all of you who told me you were praying for me and thinking of me! That means the world to me!

On Sunday, Mother's Day, Aaron and I went to church in the morning and then spent the day with my family at Churchill Downs. It was a rainy day but we were at Millionaires Row so we got to enjoy the races from the room upstairs staying nice and dry with yummy food. This was Aaron's first time betting on races and he won twice so he was pretty pumped!  It was really fun being with my family and all my nephews...I think my 4 year old nephew David won the most races haha! Sadly I forgot to take pictures at the track :( but the memory is engraved in my mind. My mother-in-law was in Florida so we did not get to spend the day with her but we will definately make up for that when she comes back!

Although Mother's Day was an emotional day for me, I was able to hold my composure (most of the time) and have a lovely day with my family...My family not only celebrated my mom and my sisters but they celebrated me too which was special :) I am truly blessed to have such a WONDERFUL Mom who has always been such a great example to me continually pointing me to the Lord and 2 AWESOME sisters who are teaching me through their children how I can be a good mommy in the future. I so look forward to that day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Aaron! I know the feeling - when Jason graduated from Medschool it was awesome to celebrate him, but then when he graduated from residency I called it our second honeymoon because he was home ALL THE TIME! And not studying. haha. Such a great feeling. Way to go to both of you.

    And I'm glad your Mother's day was special. Love you, sweet friend!
